
FezBridge is an Android Debug Bridge (ADB) implementation in .NETMF for FEZ Devices.

View the Project on GitHub robotfreak/FEZ-Bridge


FezBridge is an Android Debug Bridge (ADB) implementation in .NETMF for FEZ Devices.



FezBridge is ported from the [http://code.google.com/p/microbridge MicroBridge] for Arduino. It is programmed in .NETMF and runs on FEZ devices from http://www.ghielectronics.com/ GHI electronics, like the FEZ Domino. Other devices like [FEZ Panda]http://www.ghielectronics.com/catalog/product/135) needs a small hardware modification to support USB host mode.


At the moment FezBridge is a work in progress. The basic communication and USB enuration has been done.

ADB works on almost every Android phone. That is important if you wan't to use Android Open Accessory (ADK). ADK works only on Android phones with the newest firmware v2.3.4. But not all phones will support ADK, even with the newest firmware. This is where ADB can help. It has nearly the same functionality as ADK.

You can use ADB to forward TCP/IP ports via USB between phone and hardware. Simple data pipes can be used for communication.

A description of the ADB protocol can be found ADB Protocol here.

To do list

